Ryan Toxopeus

Ryan Toxopeus

Theme-Thology: New Myths


Born in Ontario in 1979, Ryan Toxopeus still resides there with his wife, daughter, and son. He obtained a Master's in Applied Health Research at Lakehead University before moving to southern Ontario to find employment as a research associate and lab technician.
Ryan enjoys soccer, baseball, playing all forms of games, and spending time with his family.Ryan has loved writing since he was old enough to know how, and though he leaned more toward math and science at times, he kept returning to writing. In high school the fantasy novels of R. A. Salvatore inspired him to write a gigantic science fantasy story called Wrath, which will never see the light of day. In university a friend encouraged him to enter a creative writing contest, where his fictional story of a World War II resistance fighter being captured and escaping a concentration camp won him first place.
After that, Ryan stopped writing for many years, until another friend encouraged him to write about a long-running game session from years ago. A year later, A Noble's Quest hit e-book stores as a self-published title, and Ryan has been writing steadily ever since he received his first amazing reviews.Ryan focuses on fast-paced plots with the mantra, "If I'm bored writing it, the readers will be bored reading it!"
Personal Links
Book Links
A Noble's Quest (Epic fantasy novel)
Paper back
Dawn: A dwarven creation story (Fantasy short story collection)
1100 BGW (Fantasy short story in Theme-thology: New Myths)
I'll have at least two new titles coming out this year. A Wizard's Gambit is the sequel to A Noble's Quest (Promo video), and Demon Invasion, a novella that chronicles the rise of Glezxnodin, a young demon who wants to unite his people.