Lisa A. Kramer

Lisa A. Kramer

Theme-Thology: Invasion

Theme-Thology: Day I Died

Theme-Thology: Real World Unreal


Lisa A. Kramer has spent her life learning, creating, and exploring the world through theatre, writing, travelling and collaborating as an educator. She holds a PhD in Theatre for Youth, an MFA in Theatre Directing, and a BA in English Language & Literature and Theatre. In December 2014 she published her debut novel P.O.W.ER through Word Hermit Press. In addition, she has published non-fiction articles in journals specializing on Theatre for Young Audiences, articles in Listen Magazine, and several short stories that can be found in the Theme-Thology series published by
Lisa is the co-founder of the Artful Theatre Company, which creates workshops to strengthen communities and develop artists of all types.
To learn more visit her at Lisa A. Kramer: Woman Wielding Words.