Charles Barouch

Charles Barouch

Theme-Thology: Invasion

Theme-Thology: Day I Died

Theme-Thology: New Myths

Theme-Thology: Real World Unreal

Adjacent Fields

Tiago and the Masterless

Tiago Versus the Jezoani

Tiago in the Tunnels of Krall

Tiago Faces the Abyss

Tiago the Pawn

Theme-Thology: Mad Science

Cover Artist
Adjacent Fields

Theme-Thology: Invasion

Theme-Thology: Day I Died

Theme-Thology: New Myths

Theme-Thology: Real World Unreal

Theme-Thology: Mad Science


Charles Barouch has been writing professionally since his early articles in IPUA Journal (tech - out of print) and Gateways (reviews & interviews - out of print). He is currently president of HDWP, Inc. a business and technology consulting firm, president of HDWPbooks, a small press book publishing company, and has many other projects in the works. You can follow him on Google+ : Charles Barouch
My Writing